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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

What is your top animated Disney movie?

What is your top animated Disney movie?

 I was just thinking the other day about the “classic” Disney movies I have watched and this led to the thought “Well, WHAT ARE my top 10 animated Disney movies?” I gathered up my top favorites, took their pictures and have compiled them right here for you.

1. The Little Mermaid

 This movie actually had to “grow” on me. I wasn’t the biggest fan of it after the first couple times I saw it. I couldn’t understand why Ariel wanted to live on land with legs when she had the greatest friends anyone could ask for. I’m a pretty big flounder fan so if I was Ariel, I think I’d have to really think hard about leaving my dad and all my friends. Even though I don’t understand Ariel’s motivation, this might be one of my favorite Disney movies now. Also, I just LOVE the music in this movie.

2. Pocahontas

 I could easily watch this movie every day because I love everything about it and I also must be a side-kick kind of person because I really love Meeko. One of my favorite parts is where Pocahontas is spying on John Smith from behind the bushes and trees all while learning about “the white man.”

 3. Tangled

This movie is pretty new as far as classics go but I liked this one so much I had to make it part of my top 10 list. I really enjoy the comedy in this movie with Maximus and Rapunzel. It’s serious in all the right places and it leaves me wanting to watch it again when it’s over. The song “Mother Knows Best” might be one of my favorite songs. I’m always singing it around the house.

4. Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs

Who doesn’t love those dwarfs right? Ok, I also have a thing for singing, doing chores, and sewing clothes with animals so this movie has it all for me. Also, I never eat an apple from a stranger after seeing this.

5. Beauty and The Beast

I cry every time I watch this because of that famous ballroom scene with Belle and The Beast. This movie also has ALL of my favorite Disney songs in it. No matter how calloused a man is, this movie proves there is hope if your patient and kind and can see through the beast into his heart.

 6. Lion King

This is a movie that is never on my list if I just go off the top of my head, but if I go through my movies for a better idea of my favorites I have to include this. Admit it, you know you love this movie more than you remember you do.

 7. Cinderella

 I have to take you back to what I said about Snow White. Remember the singing animals? Yeah, it gets me every time. This made my list because of the girly gorgeous ball gown and glass slippers every girl/woman wishes she could put on. We imagine our wedding dress and reception being just like the Cinderella movie. This is such a classic for every little girl and well, every grown woman too.

8. Frozen

 I’m not a Frozen junkie. I’m not, I promise. It’s just, I put this movie on and forget how great it is and I end up watching the whole thing. I find myself singing the songs unconsciously when I watch it. I really enjoy the story and I like Norway so I had to add this to my top list.

 9. Sleeping Beauty

 I saw this movie for the first time not that long ago and I was surprised but how artsy it was. It looked almost like more of an art project, but I was blown away by the beauty of this movie. This just got released on Oct 4th and I ordered it almost immediately. I love having this in my collection. I just recently watched Maleficent and Sleeping Beauty back to back and I could not believe that some of lines and acting are the same in both movies.

10. Tarzan

 I think this movie doesn’t get any love. I really, really enjoy this movie. It has gorillas and elephants and a really great love story. If you haven’t seen this movie (I can’t imagine you haven’t) you have to watch this immediately.

 Because I couldn’t just limited it to 10 movies… here’s the runner up:

 11. Aladdin

 I was surprised I picked this for my top 10 because it’s more of a boy movie and I like Princesses. This made my top 10 because of the music. I would put this, Beauty and the Beast and Little Mermaid into its own category in my collection for the music alone.